10/27/2013 to 11/05/2014

Oct 28

Tower of Hanoi is a game that deals with recursion and iteration which we will be working on this week. Take some time to play it!

Last week we spent time writing programs that created different sort and search algorithms. We're working on measuring their efficiency. If you are finished, work on the following problem.

Word Jumble

Word jumble activities give you the letters that are in a word. Your program must read in this file of words (230k) and then you need to let the user type in the jumbled letters and it will output all the potential words that contain those letters. Here is the list of words.

Usefule resource

10/22/2013 to 11/05/2014

U3D6 Big Oh Notation

9/30/2013 to 10/15/2014

U2D5 Constructors

A Constructor is a method that has the same name as the class. Any code that is to run when the instance of the object is created goes here. For example out deck of cards class constructor will initialize the array of cards. View the deck class here.

Object Oriented programming consists of three features:

Learn more about OOP and C# here.

9/25/2013 to 10/15/2014


We need to finish up reading and writing to files today. Below are two videos that go over file reading and writing operations. Take the time to review them - they are very good!

Here is a UML diagram based on the textbook. Our goal is to create two enum data types. One to represent the suit of a card, the other to represent the face value of a card. For example: 2 of clubs (2 is the face value, clubs is the suit). By the end of the period can you have a UML diagram done and a Windows Form Application that displays a deck of cards by looping and using the enum value?

9/24/2013 to 10/15/2014

U2D1 Save and Open Files

A programmer’s wife sends him to the grocery store with the instructions, “get a loaf of bread, and if they have eggs, get a dozen.” He comes home with a dozen loafs of bread and tells her, “they had eggs.”
Big Idea: Be able to save and open files in programs.
Minds on: How data is stored
Activity: Create Contact book saver

If time we will add the ability to save and open using other formats (xml, serialization)
Consolidation: Show off

Textbook and Resources

For this semester we have a textbook and a series of resources. You can access them from your TLDSB Google Drive account. (I will provide login directions on day 1 if you haven't logged in before). The Google Drive account will also contain the powerpoints that we will use in class. We will be using Visual Studio Professional which you can access for home from the Dreamspark account (they will be setup by September).

This course enables students to further develop knowledge and skills in computer science. Students will use modular design principles to create complex and fully documented programs, according to industry standards. Student teams will manage a large software development project, from planning through to project review. Students will also analyse algorithms for effectiveness. They will investigate ethical issues in computing and further explore environmental issues, emerging technologies, areas of research in computer science, and careers in the field.